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Become a Member

You’re officially almost a part of a GREAT Nation!

Be A Member of His Body

Let’s help together

As a church, we expand the body of Christ by sharing Jesus through evangelism and outreach, nurturing spiritual growth through discipleship, and providing fellowship and support. We encourage members to serve both within the church and in the wider world, demonstrating Christ’s love through action. While celebrating diversity, we strive for unity in Christ, fostering belonging and purpose. Through these efforts, more individuals come to faith and actively participate in the life of the church.

How it works

Becoming a member at Grace Nation means you are making a commitment to help expand the Glory of God. You are taking part in a community of believers that aim to spread the word of God all around the world! 

01. Complete The Registration Form

Fill out the form below to receive a welcome email as well as further instructions.

02. Join A Foundations Class Zoom

Join a zoom call to go over the foundations of GN and who we are. 

03. Decide What Ministry You Want To Be In

Learn what ministry fits you and choose to serve in that ministry.

04. Help Expand The Kingdom!

By serving in a ministry, you are impacting other people’s lives and helping them see the goodness of God through you!

Member Registration

Become a Member

Almost There...

After Submitting this form you will receive an email with further information to help get you acclimated to the culture of GN!