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Grace Tour Inquiry

Grace Tour

At Grace Nation, we believe that the power of faith and community should reach far and wide. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the expansion of our ministry to cities across the United States. We are excited to bring our message of love, hope, and spiritual growth to you in person!

We understand that every community is unique, with its own set of aspirations, challenges, and spiritual needs. To ensure that we connect with as many individuals as possible, we have decided to embark on a nationwide journey. Now, the opportunity to experience the transformative power of God is just a request away.

Here’s how it works: we invite you, your friends, your neighbors, and your local community to request a visit from our dedicated team. Whether you’re seeking guidance, spiritual upliftment, or simply a space to come together and celebrate faith, Grace Nation is here to serve you.

Hosting an event is easier than ever. Simply submit a request, and our team will reach out to discuss the details with you. We want to make sure that your event aligns with your unique vision and needs. From intimate gatherings to larger congregations, we are committed to tailoring our ministry to suit your requirements.

The MOG Apostle Gerry Mickle will bring a wealth of knowledge, inspiration, and guidance to your event of choice. Through the engaging word, we aim to create an atmosphere of spiritual growth, unity, and love. Together, we can deepen our faith, support one another, and build stronger communities.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to bring Grace Nation to your city. Open your doors and hearts to a life-changing experience that will leave a lasting impact. Whether you are seeking personal growth, a sense of community, or a renewal of your faith, Grace Nation is here to empower you on your spiritual journey.

Submit your request today, and let us embark on a memorable and transformative experience together. We can’t wait to join hands with you as we spread the gospel of Jesus Christ across the United States, one city at a time.


Grace Nation is GLOBAL!

Reach Out Now

Don't miss your chance to experience a night of divine encounters and life-changing moments! Register now and secure your seat for this powerful event.

F. A. Q's

Trip Info. for Travelers

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